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ISBN: 978-0-88123-260-8

Created by Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar
Photography by Chime Costello
These unique and beautiful cards offer an inspirational reading for each day of the Omer. A perfect companion to Omer: A Counting.
"Daily contemplation and consideration enable us to focus our attention and heighten our awareness toward the importance and sacred energy of our lives. For forty-nine days, or seven weeks, we take on a discipline and an obligation to mindfully enter the day, to be aware of its potential power to matter, to make a difference, to make it count for something.
I offer a set of forty-nine cards, divided into seven spiritual principles: Decide, Discern, Choose, Hope, Imagine, Courage, and Pray. Each day its own thought, each week its own theme, to help illuminate your days.
We count, and in doing so, make an accounting of who we are and who we want to be."
- Rabbi Karyn Kedar
Study Guide & Discussion Questions - Free Download
Meet the Author of The Omer: A Counting
Rabbi Karyn Kedar: A Spiritual Counting
Sample Cards:
Week Four: Hope - Cover Image
Week Four: Hope - Daily Reading
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ISBN 978-0-88123-260-8
Copyright © 2015
4" x 5"
.60 lb