Alden Solovy

Alden Solovy is a liturgist, poet, author, journalist, and educator. Alden offers a fresh Jewish voice, challenging the boundaries between poetry, meditation, personal growth, and prayer. His writing was transformed by multiple tragedies, marked in 2009 by the sudden death of his wife from a catastrophic brain injury. Solovy’s teaching spans from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem to Limmud and Leo Baeck College in the U.K., and synagogues throughout North America. He is the author of five volumes from CCAR Press: Enter These Gates: Meditations for the Days of Awe (2024), These Words: Poetic Midrash on the Language of Torah (2023), This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day (2017), This Joyous Soul: A New Voice for Ancient Yearnings (2019), and This Precious Life: Encountering the Divine with Poetry and Prayer (2021). The Jerusalem Post called his writing “soulful, meticulously crafted.” The Huffington Post said, “…the prayers reflect age-old yearnings in modern-day situations.” Solovy made aliyah to Israel in 2012, where he hikes, writes, teaches, and learns. His work has appeared in more than twenty-five collections, including Mishkan R'fuah: Where Healing Resides (CCAR Press, 2012), L'chol Z'man v'Eit: For Sacred Moments - The CCAR Life-Cycle Guide (CCAR Press, 2015), Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe (CCAR Press, 2015), Gates of Shabbat, Revised Edition (CCAR Press, 2016), and Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah (CCAR Press, 2023). He is a three-time winner of the Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism. His writing appears on,,,, and
Meet the Author of This Grateful Heart: Alden Solovy
Watch "Falling in Love with Prayer," ELI Talk with Alden Solovy
CCAR Press
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