Raising My Voice: Selected Sermons and Writings
Published under RABBIS PRESS (CCAR Press imprint)
For details about cost, please contact Rafael Chaiken at rchaiken@ccarnet.org.
Also available: Stepping Up to the Plate: Building a Liberal Pluralistic Israel by Rabbi Robert L. Samuels.
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By Rabbi Ellen Lippmann
In the 25 years since she founded Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives, the non-denominational shul in Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Ellen Lippmann has been raising her voice to speak to her community and to New York City and beyond, with all of her well-known compassion, knowledge, wisdom and experience. With these selected sermons, divrei Torah, letters, speeches and blessings, Rabbi Lippmann shares her faith and doubts, her warmth and love for Kolot, and her passion for justice in many realms. Raising My Voice is organized under the rubrics drawn from Pirke Avot, of Torah (Learning), Avodah (Service/Prayer), G'milut Chasadim (Communal care), Din (Social Justice), Emet (Truth), and Shalom (peace), with an introduction by Rabbi Nancy Weiner of HUC-JIR, Rabbi Lippmann's longtime chevruta (study) partner.
ISBN 978-0-88123-329-2
Copyright © 2018
6" x 9"
14.6 oz
Page count: 306
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