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ISBN: 978-0-88123-331-5

By Alden Solovy
Foreword by Rabbi Sally J. Priesand
Like its predecessor, This Grateful Heart, this volume of creative liturgy opens a door into the transformative power of prayer. Structured to reflect the morning service found within Mishkan T'filah, this collection invites a deeply personal prayer experience that will strengthen our connection to Judaism and to the Reform siddur.
Table of Contents
Alden Solovy can make just a single word or phrase of the classic siddur take on new meaning and enable us to hear it as we never have before. He is a 21st-century paytan, weaving together gratitude and praise with contemporary yearnings for transcendence and connection. His prayers give living expression co the Mishnah's injunction to refrain from making our prayers rote.
- Rabbi Leon A. Morris, President, Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem
With This Joyous Soul, Solovy cracks open the heart to reclaim morning prayer. This is a revolutionary companion to the siddur that deepens the connection to God and helps point us toward the holy.
- Rabbi Denise L. Eger, D.D., Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood, CA
Alden Solovy's newest collection of prayers, poems, and meditations are a much-needed resource for rabbis, cantors, and clergy of all faiths. But they shouldn't be reserved for clergy alone: all who are seeking a deeper relationship to our faith, liturgy, and tradition can use these readings to find greater meaning and connection with the world around us and the Almighty.
- Cantor Evan Kent, DMA, Cantor Emeritus, Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles
"Solovy knows that expressing gratitude contributes to the happiness of your life. You are united with your grateful and joyous heart in reading both these collections of prayers. And if praying sustains you, if your heart's desire is to become that "prayer with wings gliding on the currents of your faith," then Solovy's This Joyous Soul and This Grateful Heart will be your inspirational companions."
- The Jewish Post & Opinion
Also Available:
Seven Ways for Synagogues to Use This Joyous Soul
Want to host a Joyous Soul Event? We're here for you! Click for details
Watch HUC-JIR students recite "Being a Blessing," from This Joyous Soul below:
ISBN 978-0-88123-331-5
Copyright © 2019
5.5" x 8.5"
.5 lbs (8.3 oz)
Page count: 160