Conversion - Gender Neutral, Single (PDF Download)

Product Code: 88.10042-DL

ISBN: 9780881235043

Hebrew Day of Week
Hebrew Day of Month
Hebrew Month
Hebrew Year (last two numbers spelled out in Heb)
Hebrew Name of Community
Hebrew Name of Convert
English Day
English Month
Hebrew Day (in Eng)
Hebrew Month (in Eng)
Hebrew Year (last 2 digits)
Community Name
Name of Location
Name of Convert
Hebrew Name
Hebrew Name (in Eng)

NOTE: For bulk certification creation, please download the template file. Once the information has been entered, upload it as a “.csv” file. If using Hebrew text, please save as “UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt)” and upload. Please do not include commas (,) in the fields.

For Conversion

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ISBN 978-0-88123-504-3
Copyright 2017 by CCAR Press

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