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ISBN: 978-0-88123-270-7

By Rabbi Richard N. Levy
A beautiful, poetic translation of the Book of Psalms, Songs Ascending includes textual commentary and insights into the translation process, illuminating the choices of the original composers and the choices facing us in the 21st century as we try to make each psalm our own. The spiritual commentary asks: To what events, struggles, and triumphs in our lives might this psalm speak? How might this psalm articulate an aspect of our own sacred existence, or how might it help us celebrate a special day in our lives? How might it provide comfort when we are bereft and most in need of consolation, or how might it help us provide comfort for someone else? Songs Ascending explores all this and more, engaging the reader in dialogue that will inform and inspire.
Vol. 1 also available:
Vol. 2 also available:
"For Richard Levy, the force of the Psalms comes from their spiritual intentions; and he re-enforces this priority with rich commentary and postscripts that help the reader actually USE the Psalms in some meaningful way. Songs Ascending may be the high point in Richard Levy's career--a career filled with high points."
- Rabbi William Cutter, PhD, Steinberg Emeritus Professor of Human Relations at HUC-JIR Los Angeles
"With its clear and engaging English translation, the insightful commentary, and thought provoking spiritual applications, Songs Ascending offers something for everyone, from lay person, to rabbi, to biblical scholar alike. And for that, I give it a "two thumbs up," or as we say in Hebrew: kol hakavod!"
- Professor Kristine Henriksen Garroway, Visiting Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible at HUC-JIR Los Angeles
Watch "Psalms: The Roots of Jewish Spirituality," HUC-JIR interview with Rabbi Richard Levy:
ISBN 978-0-88123-270-7
Copyright © 2018
Two Volume Set
7.25" x 9.38" x 2.25"
3.6 lbs
Page count: 591, in two volumes