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ISBN: 978-0-88123-208-0

Edited by Rabbi Edwin Goldberg, Rabbi Janet Marder, Rabbi Sheldon Marder, and Rabbi Leon Morris, with Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Cantor Evan Kent, and Rabbi Peter Berg
Executive Editor: Rabbi Hara Person
Two Volume Set: Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Standard Size, Hardcover
Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe offers meaningful liturgy for both regular service attendees and those new to Jewish spirituality and practice. Providing an accessible guide through the journey of t'shuvah (repentance) and cheshbon hanefesh (self-reflection), it bridges the personal, the communal, the ritual, and the ethical dimensions of Yamim HaNoraim. From feelings of awe to moments of solace, and from the solitude of contemplation to the solidarity of song and worship, Mishkan HaNefesh inspires a multifaceted experience through the High Holy Days while embracing both the rich liturgical voices of the Jewish past and the aspirations of our people today.
Special Features
- Fully transliterated liturgy- Expanded options for Torah readings- Study texts that provide background and context- Contemporary poetry and alternative readings- Rich commentary drawing from Jewish tradition- A range of theological possibilities- New translations that capture the beauty of the Hebrew- Original woodblock art by acclaimed artist Joel Shapiro- Includes essays by the leading Reform Movement thinkers
Braille edition available at The JBI Library
Also available for all electronic devices:
Rosh HaShanah:
Yom Kippur:
See also:
We are happy to offer a free, 5 session curriculum, prepared by Andrue Kahn and Rabbi April Peters, to help you introduce Mishkan HaNefesh to your community. Sessions are as follows:
- Lesson One: Welcome to Mishkan HaNefesh
- Lesson Two: Shofarot, A New Approach
- Lesson Three: Avinu Malkeinu, Machzor and Metaphor
- Lesson Four: Sin and Forgiveness in the 21st Century
- Lesson Five: Wresting with Unetaneh Tokef
View and download our Mishkan HaNefesh Curriculum.
Other Resources:
Frequently asked questions
Watch "Inside Mishkan HaNefesh: A Conversation on Today's Machzor" with members of the editorial team
Sample pages:
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Mishkan HaNefesh Outline Samples
10 Essential Things about Mishkan HaNefesh
Study Resources for Mishkan HaNefesh
Bookplate Template
We've created a bookplate template for congregations to customize and print. To do so, please follow the instructions:
1. Download the template page as a Word document
2. Add your dedication
3. Print using Avery labels number 5168, 3 1/2" x 5'"
Other Editions include:
Pulpit Edition
Large Print Edition
ISBN 978-0-88123-208-0
Copyright © 2015
7.25" x 9.38" x 2.25"
3.6 lbs
Two Volume Set: Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Page count:
Rosh HaShanah: 384
Yom Kippur: 736