Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 978-0-88123-202-8

Edited by Rabbi Paula Feldstein
Illustrated by Mark Podwal
With original art based on the Hebrew alef-bet, this fully illustrated siddur is for students in grades 3-5. Includes a combined Shabbat Evening and Morning Service for families, a Weekday Evening and Morning Service for schools, a song section, and readings for special holidays and community events.
CCAR Press has created a Mishkan T'filah bookplate template for congregations and individuals to customize and print. Please follow the instructions:
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4. Print using Avery labels number 5168, 3 1/2" x 5"
Encourage early prayer literacy with Mishkan T'filah for Children and Youth! Learn more about how you can integrate our Mishkan T'filah products into your religious school programs with the video below:
Also Available:
Listen to Rabbi Paula Feldstein, Michelle Shapiro Abraham, Rabbi Steven Rau and Rabbi Joseph Skloot talk about their work on Mishkan T'filah for Youth
Sample pages:
Kabbalat Shabbat
Birchot HaShachar
Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Index of Songs and Adon Olam
Table of Contents
In the News:
Reform movement has a new youth siddur - The Jewish Standard
ISBN 978-0-88123-202-8
Copyright © 2014
7-1/2" x 9 5/8"
2 lb
Page count: 210